In place of a Community Lounge that was being curated for an in-person #SENSIBLE2020 Conference, we would like to share these community resources that we hope will help you find comfort during this difficult and strange time. These resources have been recommended by SSDP’s Director of Drug Education, Vimarie Narloch, and other staff members, and contain a variety of insights and tactics into supporting mental health. We invite you to use them to practice self-care and community-care by sharing them with your friends and family. Take care… and enjoy!
- CDC’s Mental Health and Coping with COVID-19 Resources
- International Network of People who Use Drugs COVID-19 Resources
- Youth Rises Message For Young People Who Use Drugs
- Sunshine’s Behavioral Health’s Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community
- How to not let COVID steal your mental health:
- Mental Health America COVID-19 Resources
- Coping mentally with social distancing, isolation, and quarantine
- Short Videos on Coping with Anxiety
- CNN newsletter of “only good stuff”
- A Harm Reduction Guide to Self Care
- Coping with Fear and Panic
- Daily, Free Guided Meditations
- Dealing with the grief over losses, cancellations, etc.
- Easy Ways to Integrate Self-Care into Your Daily Life
- National Association for the Mentally Ill Online Support Groups
- How Sleep Affects Your Mental Health
- Mental Health Tips for Working Remotely
- The Benefits of Mindfulness
- Mindfulness, Mental Health, and Wellness
- Workday mindfulness tips
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
- 9-Minute Calm Body afternoon reset
- 10-Minute Beachy Mindfulness Meditation
- 23-Minutes Guided meditation for dealing with anxiety
- Coronavirus resources and information for law students
- The S.T.O.P. Practice for Stress
- HealthyHoodChi (Free meditation, yoga, salsa, etc. classes
- American Psychiatric Association Resources
- MPP’s Medical Marijuana Resource Page
- MPP’s Safe Access to Cannabis in Times of COVID-19
- MPP’s PTSD & Medical Cannabis Programs
- MPP’s Video: The Human Toll: How the War on Cannabis Targeted Black America